Upscale brings majestic design and rich shopping experience you desire for an incredible online store. With plenty options of customization and features, it will give you flexibility for creating the perfect look of your shop & product pages with ease. No matter what kind of store you build, all things needed to impress your customers are blended together in Upscale.
Upscale v1.8.9 – Fashionable eCommerce WordPress Theme
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version 1.8.9 (Februari 07, 2018) 1. Added compatibility with WooCommerce 3.3 2. Update Dahz Commerce Shortcode 1.2.3 3. Update Revolution Slider 5.4.7 4. Fixed Video Shortcode Banner not playing on mobile 5. Fixed JS Error when Whislist Plugin is Not Activated version 1.8.5 (December 28, 2017) 1. Added compatibility with WooCommerce 3.2.6 2. Added loader on single add to cart button 3. Fixed product attribute on mini cart 4. Fixed carousel image not appear when lazyload active 5. Fixed responsive display author box on single post 6. Fixed ajax whislist 7. Fixed promo banner issue not appear on certain condition 8. Fixed swatches product issue 9. Fixed border appear after opening quickview 10. Fixed grouped product ajax notification 11. Fixed mobile menu can't be scrolled on responsive device 12. Fixed footer layour can't be change 13. Fixed mobile search double image issue 14. Fixed checkout input form issue in firefox version 1.8.1 (November 29, 2017) 1.Update Visual Composer 5.4.5 2. Added compatibility with WooCommerce 3.2.5 3. Fixed Brand Taxonomy V 1.8 (November 21, 2017) 1.Update Visual Composer 5.4.4 2.Update Revolution Slider 3.Update Upscale POT File 4.Added compatibility with WooCommerce 3.2.4 5.Fixed Translation Issue 6.Fixed WooCommerce Discount : Remove Rounding Value 7.Update Social Instagram Plugin 1.0.1 8.Update Dahz Commerce Shortcode 1.3.0 9.update Kirki Customizer 10.Fixed cross sell in cart 11.Fixed undefined attributes "0" 12.Fixed Featured Slider responsive on mobile 13.Fixed video pop up in single product 14.Fixed DF Swatches 15.Added compatibility with WordPress 4.9 V 1.7 (August 31, 2017) 1. Fixed Add to Cart Position 2. Fixed translation on "Procceed to Checkout" 3. Fixed Google Map Shortcode 4. Fixed Mini Cart 5. Fixed My Account 6. Fixed Remove animation on Mini Cart 7. Fixed Product Carousel ( Featured Product ) 8. Fixed Single Product Description 9. Fixed from site_url() to home_url() 10. Fixed translation on search 11. Fixed Breadcrumbs on Category Product 12. Fixed Footer 5 Column on Mobile 13. Added compability with woocommerce 3.1.2 14. Added compability with Slider Revolution 15. Added compability with Visual Composer 5.2.1 16. Fixed & update Dahz Commerce Shortcode V 1.6 (July 13, 2017) 1. Added compatibility with woocommerce 3.1.1 2. Added compatibility with Visual Composer 5.2 3. Fixed Dahz plugin V 1.5 (June 21, 2017) - Added compatibility with woocommerce 3.0.8 1. Added compatibility with yith wishlist plugin 2.1.2 2. Added loader on single product image 3. Fixed megamenu sub column 4. Fixed product tagging interface 5. Fixed lazyload on blog archive 6. Fixed search archive 7. Fixed Up-sells on single product 8. Fixed DF Swatches order & taxonomy V 1.4 (May 5, 2017) 1.Added compatibility with woocommerce 3.0.5 2. Update XML Demo 3. Added compatibility with yith wishlist plugin 2.1.1 4. Fixing compability issues with Upscale Child Themes 5. Fixing CSS Newsletter Pop Up V 1.3 (April 21, 2017) 1.Added compatibility with woocommerce 3.0.4 2. Add 2 demo (roche & mono) 3. update visual composer 5.1.1 4. update MailChimp for WordPress 4.1.1 5. Fixing minor CSS V 1.2 (April 5, 2017) 1. Added compatibility with woocommerce 3.0 2. Updated XML Demo 3. Fixed Wishlist Page Template V 1.1 (March 24, 2017) 1. Fixing minor CSS 2. Add 3 demo (kicksback, weave, niklas) V 1.0 (March 20, 2017) Initial Release