Contentberg Blog V1.5.0 – Content Marketing Blog
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Changes & Updates Version 1.5.0 - Feb 13, 2019 ------------ - Improved compatibility for latest version of Gutenberg. - Bunyad Instagram Widget to replace WP Instagram Widget plugin. - Fixed: Page builder last block spacing in certain edge cases. - Updated WPBakery Page Builder to latest version. - Bunyad AMP updated to match changes from AMP official v1.x. Version 1.4.2 - Dec 7, 2018 ------------ - Bunyad AMP updated for Gutenberg v4.6+. - WordPress v5.0 Final Complete Compatibility. - WPBakery Page Builder Updated to 5.6 for WordPress v5.0+ - Changes to allow main file overrides via child theme. Version 1.4.1 - Nov 23, 2018 ------------ - Fixed: Slider post count when set via a page. - Fixed: Gutenberg v4.5.1 conflict with AMP. - Fixed: Large dropcap in Edge browser. - Updated: WooCommerce template file for latest. - Updated Bunyad AMP. Version 1.4.0 - Nov 21, 2018 ------------ - Added: Gutenberg v4.5 support and fixes. - Added: Styles for new pullquote style with background. - Improved: Search overlay on iPhone. - Improved: Customization such as colors apply in AMP now. - Improved: Typography and color options for WooCommerce. - Improved: Jetpack subscribe boxes styling. - Fixed: Menu id for the topbar navigation. - Fixed: Facebook follow counter requiring fb app approval. - Fixed: AMP logo distortion when mobile logo not uploaded. - Fixed: False positive AMP error notice in Gutenberg. - Fixed: Gutenberg v4.4 align full in backend. - Few new settings in customizer. Version 1.3.0 - Oct 25, 2018 ------------ - Gutenberg v4.1 compatibility fixes. - Added: Media & Text block styles. - Improved: Parallax performance on single. - Improved: Smart Sticky header triggers. - Improved: Post Nav + Social Sticky on smaller laptops. - Fixed: Centering for small images on spacious layout. - Fixed: Backend Gutenberg styling for v4.1. - Fixed: Responsive columns for latest Gutenberg update. Version 1.2.0 - Oct 18, 2018 ------------ - WooCommerce Custom Styles and Compatibility added. - Added: Gutenberg 4.0 fixes and compatibility. - Added: Alternate demos to importer. - Fixed: Widget slider hover text shadows. - Fixed: Search modal issue when lightbox disabled. - Updated: Bunyad AMP with reporting fixes. - Updated: WPBakery page builder. Version 1.1.2 - Oct 7, 2018 ------------ - Added: VKontakte option to social share float. - Added: VC text block option to use single fonts. - Added: Sample Child Theme in package. - Fixed: Header Style 2 ad code filtered by security. - Fixed: CSS cache race condition. - Minor CSS improvements. Version 1.1.0 - Oct 4, 2018 ------------ - AMP Support Added with custom styles. - Added: Gutenberg posts AMP support. - Added: More performance optimization features. - Added: LinkedIn, Google+ options for social share. - Improved: Mobile Menu design. - Improved: Classic editor left align on phones. - Improved: Performance guide in docs. - Improved: General > Other Settings section added. - Improved: Full content importer. - Fixed: Slider options settings for pages. - Fixed: Missing List home block in widgets. - Further improvements to mobile views. Version 1.0 - Sep 28, 2018 ------------ - First release